The responsibility of the office of Court Administration is to manage the non-judicial functions of the court. Administrative functions and responsibilities assigned to the Court Administrator's Office are subject to the supervision and direction of the Administrative Judge. Duties of the Court Administrator's Office include personnel and fiscal management, scheduling, information systems development, space and equipment allocation, public information, law library operations, jury management and liaison functions to various groups and agencies.

It is the role of the Court Administrator to ensure that all Court Departments function together to provide a forum for the resolution of legal disputes. The Court Administrator works closely with Office of the Clerk of the Court on all case management processes and procedures. Facilities management is closely coordinated with the Anne Arundel County Department of Central Services. Technology planning and implementation is jointly managed with the Anne Arundel County Department of Information Services and the Maryland Judicial Information Systems office.

With regard to personnel, the Court Administrator oversees recruitment and works with the Administrative Judge and county Personnel Office regarding wage and salary determination. The Court Administrator serves as liaison with other county, state and federal governmental agencies.

Office of the Court Administrator
P.O. Box 2395
Annapolis, MD 21404-2395
410-222-1404 • FAX 410-222-1890

Directive on the Use of Courthouse Facilities for Unofficial Functions

9-16-91 Administrative Order Prohibiting the Use of Courthouse Facilities for Private, For-Profit Purposes by Persons or Organizations


Website links to Court Officials: